Oxfordshire County Council launches a consultation on Oxfordshire’s draft transport blueprint
Residents and organisations across Oxfordshire are being offered the chance to help shape the transformation of transport and digital connectivity across the country in a new consultation from 15 February to 28 March on a draft blueprint for the future.
With the need for climate action, helping create healthy communities and addressing air quality at the heart of council thinking, the new local transport and connectivity plan (LTCP) sets out a vision for Oxfordshire that will contribute to developing a zero-carbon economy for the county and transform the health and wellbeing of residents.
Councillor Yvonne Constance, Cabinet Member for Environment said, “The future of our transport matters not just because we need to reduce carbon emissions and improve air quality; the options we propose in LTCP are aimed at fundamentally improving the quality of our lives. Oxfordshire is a great success story, but its ongoing performance must address how we travel in a way that can reduce congestion, improve our health and help develop active, connected communities. We need and will value your input about how we can best do this, working togethre, so please take time to review the consultation and offer your views.”
The LTCP vision is the first step in developing a long-term transport and digital connectivity plan for Oxfordshire. The goal of developing a transport vision is to set out the overarching policy direction and ambition for transport and specific schemes in the county. The vision has been developed following analysis of engagement work with many organisations and through an analysis of transport data and evidence from a survey in March 2020. This consultation will offer residents a chance to give feedback on the content of the plan.
The areas of focus for the new plan are:
- Commitments to de-carbonise the transport system by 2050
- Reducing the need to travel
- Discouraging unnecessary individual private vehicle use by promoting use of public transport and active travel such as walking and cycling
- A push towards quality digital gigabit and/or full fibre connnectivity for all
- Enabling the economy to develop, supporting the Oxfordshire local industrial strategy agreed in July 2019
- Public transport operations and network changes amid the impacts of COVID-19.
By focusing on the areas, the LTCP vision seeks to protect Oxfordshire’s rich and varied natural and historic environment as well as improving resident’s health and wellbeing, social inclusivity and education access. A second consultation due later this year will cover the development of the full LTCP including an updated vision and goals.
Residents can have their say by visiting the county council’s consultation site.