Councillor vacancy – co-option
An election for the councillor vacancy following the resignation of Cllr Rowe has not been requested.
The Council is now able to fill this position by co-opting a new member.
If you would like to contact the Council, please contact the Clerk or any Councillor for more information. A copy of the application form and job description can be found below.
Our County Association is offering free one-hour Zoom sessions to give people an idea of what being a councillor involves with the opportunity to ask questions.
Monday 13th February at 10 am
Wednesday 15th March at 2 pm
Sandford St Martin – Councillor job description Rev A

An online hour for anyone interested in becoming a councillor, letting them know what they are letting themselves in for! A short introduction and open question time.
Covering eligibility, skills, expectations and some basics about life as a councillor.
There is no need to book please follow the following link.
Meeting ID: 871 2501 2109
Passcode: 386520